Where you come from
Is not where you're going

No one can tell by a face
What one's future is holding

Who you are today
Is not who you've been

A person changes without
As a person changes within

I was born in 1983 on March 2nd with Cystic Fibrosis, a terminal illness. My life and vision changed directions when I studied the bible and became a disciple at the age of 13. Against all odds, I stand before you today a 23 year old man: athletic, married, graduated from college, starting a career, determined, surrounded by friends and family, and as happy as I have ever been.
Happy Birthday, Tim. I hope you had a fabulous day!
Happy birthday! I hope that you had a great time and that you were able to have some fun,
Hey Old Man!
I love this post. You know why? I love it because of the pictures! Oh, and I'm glad your face is no longer toothless and that you don't hold your ears out like that anymore! (LoL) But for reals, I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the next 23x10 birthdays celebrating you! You have defied the odds. And I know you will continue to do so. You're great!!
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