Finally, the Hunt for a Job is over... for now...
Job hunting is exhausting. Perhaps my hunt was more of a rollercoaster than that of most because of our explicit need for Kaiser healthcare coverage. I have cystic fibrosis (sounds like: "sixty-five roses") and CFRD (cystic fibrosis related diabetes). My wife has bipolar disorder and endometriosis. Consistency in treatment and access to excellent healthcare professionals who're already familiar with our respective histories is absolutely invaluable to us.
This makes job hunting difficult because if I ask up front "does you company offer Kaiser?" then they think that I am some kind of freak (I kind of am) and that I will be unreliable on the job (I am not). So rather than shooting myself in the foot, right off the bat, my better course of action is to pursue any opportunity like there is no deal-breaker in my mind. This unfortunately results in my scheduling many exciting interviews that lead nowhere. A huge exercise in futility. I do not like to waste my time (in such ways!) nor theirs.
I was praying to get a job in town, with Kaiser, and a decent salary + commission. I had pretty much been told by everyone that these were near unobtainable criteria and that I would be darn lucky to land such a setup... That's where God comes in: I received an offer in San Ramon, for an outside sales position. The opinion of most was that I should jump on it because I needed to start making $$$ to pay bills, even though it was not what I had prayed for. On faith that God is in fact existent and that he is willing and able to answer specific prayers, I declined the offer. I had nothing else lined up when I made this decision.
Exactly 2 weeks later I landed an interview with a company that a brother from my church works at. After 3 interviews I finally received an offer: 10k greater than the other company's, with Kaiser, I have a friend already inside, they provide a local gym membership, it is 5minutes from home (walking distance!), and benefits start on the FIRST DAY!
Job hunting is exhausting. Perhaps my hunt was more of a rollercoaster than that of most because of our explicit need for Kaiser healthcare coverage. I have cystic fibrosis (sounds like: "sixty-five roses") and CFRD (cystic fibrosis related diabetes). My wife has bipolar disorder and endometriosis. Consistency in treatment and access to excellent healthcare professionals who're already familiar with our respective histories is absolutely invaluable to us.
This makes job hunting difficult because if I ask up front "does you company offer Kaiser?" then they think that I am some kind of freak (I kind of am) and that I will be unreliable on the job (I am not). So rather than shooting myself in the foot, right off the bat, my better course of action is to pursue any opportunity like there is no deal-breaker in my mind. This unfortunately results in my scheduling many exciting interviews that lead nowhere. A huge exercise in futility. I do not like to waste my time (in such ways!) nor theirs.
I was praying to get a job in town, with Kaiser, and a decent salary + commission. I had pretty much been told by everyone that these were near unobtainable criteria and that I would be darn lucky to land such a setup... That's where God comes in: I received an offer in San Ramon, for an outside sales position. The opinion of most was that I should jump on it because I needed to start making $$$ to pay bills, even though it was not what I had prayed for. On faith that God is in fact existent and that he is willing and able to answer specific prayers, I declined the offer. I had nothing else lined up when I made this decision.
Exactly 2 weeks later I landed an interview with a company that a brother from my church works at. After 3 interviews I finally received an offer: 10k greater than the other company's, with Kaiser, I have a friend already inside, they provide a local gym membership, it is 5minutes from home (walking distance!), and benefits start on the FIRST DAY!
~Proverbs 24:10 - If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!~
Now, I don't want to mislead anybody to think that I was this totally faithful God-reliant person through this all. I was the opposite: I started off with much faith and prayer, but under pressure I completely neglected my relationship with God, and depended on my own strength, in order to devote myself to the hunt...
~2Timothy 2:13 - if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.~
These types of things are examples of how I understand and believe in God: I have better than normal "luck," as if I am being looked out for... So many "coincidences" have turned out according to prayer, and those that did not, often revealed themselves to be detrimental (had I gotten my request!).
I start my first day of work at WildPackets on March 20th. I am so excited!
I'm sooo proud of you (can't tell you enough!). I am glad that this strengthened your faith because I know how important that is to you. I look forward to seeing where this takes you. Congratulations, again, love!
congratulations on the job...now you can take me out to eat!! your perserverance is inspirational. wanna play dominos later on?
Woohoo!!! That is great. Very Inspirational. C'mon Jesus! Way to walk on faith bro. (I personally am a Kaiser fan too, even though a lot of people say mean things about them). Anyway, glad to hear it. You will do well in whatever you do. Cheers! Skaal and Malyalem (yes, I am making things up at his point). :-)
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