Friday, February 26, 2010


Well I bet you're not dumb enough to climb the inside wall of your office warehouse... ...better guess again!


Would you flip at work? YOU BETCHA!

Caribbean Back-flippin

Would you flip in the Caribbean? OHYEAH!

Old Spice - The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

I don't usually care about the superbowl, but this commercial is HILARIOUS! Guess I did miss something afterall...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brother gets Teched-Out

I was quite happy to finally be able to provide a nice gift for my brother John: we secured an old Dell Dimension 3000 PC from my work, and an LCD monitor for $40 total (a steal!)... and then I installed Windows7 courtesy of my friends at BoomTownROI. After that it was just a matter of loading the necessary freeware - but now, for the first time ever - my brother John has his own computer.
