Thursday, October 13, 2011

On to bigger and better things

We have been undisciplined with our finances and struggled for some time with trying to make ends meet for a family of four with only 1 income. Because of a lack of faith and the aforementioned lack of discipline, our contribution had been irregular.

Jess and I decided that we were going to repent and give contribution on faith, believing the Scriptures of God's promises about opening the floodgates (he even invites us to test him in this!). We were tapping credit each month anyways, so what else could happen?

Now we had an ongoing prayer that God would not let me lose my job before letting me get into my next one... that I would have seamless employment because as the breadwinner - EVERYTHING rides on my being able to bring an income.

After talking with my ex-neighbor, I put in an application with Sprint. I thought it went out into the void because I never heard anything back. My neighbor and I reconnected with our families and he told me that he did submit my resume and that he thought I would be a great candidate for an open position on his team.

A week later I was interview with his boss. A week after that I was interviewing with his Boss's Boss.
And then I was waiting for an offer.... and waiting.... and waiting.

I was getting anxious because it was taking what seemed like FOREVER to get things to move forward. And I was just ITCHING to put in my 2 weeks notice.

And then the MIRACLE happened: on Sept 1st, I got laid off!

I was working at home because of a jury duty summons, sitting in my pajamas when I got the call. It was beautiful. Because I was getting laid off as part of a reduction in force, I would be getting severance! So that explains it! God was delaying my offer because if I had put in notice that week as planned, I would have missed out on the FREE MONEY!

So now I am expecting to start on Sept 16th, and am enjoying the 2 weeks off. God has taken care of us financially and answered the prayer to protect my job EVEN BETTER than I could have imagined.

Praise be to the Almighty God, who loves and is able to answer prayers! AMEN!

---- UPDATE ----

September was really a month of testing for my faith. Week 1 had my joyful as I believed the plan to be for me to start with Sprint. Week 2 had me depressed as no offer came through. Week 3 was me realizing that I can't put my family through my selfish moodiness, and have to suck it up and regroup. Week 4 was me repenting and applying for jobs again. Sprint told me they still want me, but won't be able to get an offer out till mid Nov at the EARLIEST. My severance will only last to cover Nov mortgage. Not sure what to do here...

Now, into October - I posted on FB my urgent need for help finding a job, asking my friends if there were openings in the companies that they could refer me for. Sent the same message via email to all my church contacts.  OVER 20 people responded, providing links to their companies' websites and expressing support.

I applied again to Trancos, a company that I'd previously had a great interview with but never heard back from. The position I'd applied for was still listed on their website. Got in the door for round two - and this time got an offer! But complications: it's in Pleasonton which is not BART accessible, so we'd have to buy a car. For several months I'd just be building up my book of business, so no real commissions to enjoy. And Kaiser doesn't start for 90 days. SIGH.

I also got some traction via a friend on a temp position in SF, with MarketTools. They gave me an offer, and  even though the position is only until Feb to cover for someone's maternity leave - it is great pay and no cold calling - and keeps me in my field selling tech solutions! AMEN. I accepted. Still have to do COBRA, but at least with greater income, I can cover that cost.

But now I'm sick and have to get a PICC line for IV antibiotics. Boo. I at least feel like I have more strength now because I want to do everything I can to stay healthy and provide for my family.

Still waiting on social security disability claim (200+ days!), but have new hope there to Expedite the process.

We'll see what's next.
My Grandmother, Laura Morato, passed away on October 11th, 2011. She is the first person that I've loved and lost - but I mostly feel joy for her because she at least now is at rest... I love and remember you, Mama.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Skydiving 2007

Found this video and actually had some software to rip and upload it!
good memories of my first skydive...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidential Quotes

Happy President’s Day!

Here are some not so famous quotes from each of the Presidents on our money.

$1 Bill/Quarter
George Washington -1st President

“I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”
$2 Bill/Nickel
Thomas Jefferson- Third President

“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.”

$5 Bill/Penny
Abraham Lincoln – 16th President

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

$20 Bill
Andrew Jackson -7th President

“As long as our government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of persons and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending.

Franklin Rooselvelt –dime – 32nd President

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”

John Kennedy Half Dollar 35th President

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

Dwight Eisenhower – Silver Dollar 34th President

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Keepin' the Love ALIVE

Instead of giving Jess a bouquet of flowers and box of Chocolates, I gave her a bouquet of Chocolates, and box of (edible) flowers!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Spiritual Decision Making:

  • Should I date/marry this person or that one (or not at all)?
  • What schools should I apply and consider going to?
  • Join the Military, Get a Job, or Go to School?
  • Take the Job or Stay put?
  • Have kids now, later, not at all?
  • Do I need Surgery, meds, or should I hold out for a miracle?
  • Do I move or stay?
I believe in a God big enough to control the outcomes of chance (Prov 16:33), and powerful enough to steer us in the paths we’re destined for EVEN if don’t actively make the best decisions at every turn (Prov 16:9). But I also believe that, while we certainly could go through life just rolling dice for every decision to be made - God wants us to be active participants - seeking and learning to make wise decisions. (Ecc 2:13)(Prov 4:7)

When you're faced with a tough, scary, or deeply emotional decision, how do you go about making a choice?
  • Do you avoid it until the last minute and then let chance/fate/other people dictate the course of your life? (Prov 20:4)
  • Do you respond impulsively and give into your emotions - leading you to whatever decision "feels" best? (Eph 4:14)
  • Do you agonize over everything and try to think your way through it? (Prov 21:30)
  • Or - do you seek God's guidance through his Word, Prayer, and the Spiritual Family He's surrounded you with? (Eph 5:15-17)

How you go about the decision making process says a lot about your faith and trust in God, your humility, and the network of friends and advisers you've surrounded yourself with.

We are all surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (Heb 12:1), and since we're supposed to live our lives openly and in the light (1 Pet 2:12), with Jesus as Lord (including Lord of our Decisions!) - how we go about finding answers and understanding can make a huge spiritual impact to those around us. (1 Cor 8:6)

Here's the process that I've tried to implement for large life decisions (and many more mundane ones as well):
  1. Identify the decision as far in advance as possible (Prov 4:26; 14:8, 15; 21:29)
  2. Figure out what choices you have available (obvious ones and even the long-shots) (Luke 16:1-15)
  3. Map out pros/cons, the "what if's", "x leads to y" type scenarios as far as you can take them (Psalms 119:59, 128)(Prov 20:25) (Luke 14:25-33)
  4. Now Pray...
    • honestly about your heart's desires. (Prov 13:12)
    • asking God to reveal and refine your motives (since your heart may be lying to you) (Psalm 44:21, 139:23) (Jer 17:9-10)
    • asking for discernment and clarity of mind (1Peter 4:7)
    • for an obvious answer (Psalm 85:8-13) (Prov 3:6, 4:11, 11:5)
    • to submit your will and for help trusting even when you don't like the answer... so that things go HIS way and not just yours, acknowledging that his paths and understanding are ALWAYS better than your own. (Isaiah 55)
  5. Study your Bible
    • all related word searches
    • topical searches
    • spiritual books about the topic
    • events/situations in the bible that relate (how would you respond in the same situation? what did the character do right / wrong?)
  6. Choose your advisers and present the situation to them, soliciting their input(Prov 11:14, 12:5, 12:15, 13:10, 15:22, 19:20, 20:18)   - think through those you know, asking...
    • "who has experience with this?"
    • "who do I admire/respect spiritually?"
    • "who knows me well?"
    • Do I have enough here to make a decision that I am confident will honor God and be blessed? If not...
  7. Seek more advisers if the matter is not clear. (Prov 13:20) This is a GREAT opportunity to let other Godly Men and Women (perhaps outside of your normal spheres of contact) influence your life and get to know you better...
    • Lastly - if you have any mentors in the world, you may tap those shoulders as well - because again, your humility here may move their hearts towards a relationship with God. But be especially careful with their responses, since they may not be working with the same priorities (like pleasing God first) as you...
  8. Compile and Review all of the input that you receive. Pray about it. Follow it in faith (Prov 16:1-3) because...
    • God likes giving good gifts to his children (Mt 7:11)
    • He always works for your best interest (Romans 8:28)
    • You are working with integrity to make not just a "good" decision - but the BEST decision... (2Tim 2:15)
    • God has power to bless and protect you - even if the end result feels painful, seems to fail, etc. He won't let bad advice that you received - but faithfully followed out of deference for Him - ever ruin your life or make you miss your true blessings, potential, inheritance.(Prov13:6)
  9. Repeat steps 2-8 as needed/able until you can proceed confidently or your deadline for deciding arrives. Hopefully the former and not the latter :-)

I consider my life to be extremely blessed - and I attribute that not to my deserving it, but to my striving to walk and live the way most pleasing to God (as much as I can!). I hope this study and these practicals lead to the same for you!

Your bro,

Friday, January 14, 2011

A dream come true!

Best of the Bay - Espetus San Francisco from on Vimeo.

Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:19
A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Remember and be grateful...

After soliciting input about how to deal with a tight financial situation and strong desire to go snowboarding with my wife - 3 friends offered to provide $50 each! This might be a conspiracy of love...

I just want to be grateful for God's blessings on my friends, and moving their hearts to share those blessings with us! Because of God's Kingdom we are very rich indeed!

We will continue to ask God to honor his promise to Abraham for us as well:
Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Luke 16:9
I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

Romans 13:8
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Tim(e) Well Spent

I took vacation time this past December for a couple reasons:
  1. Help keep Jess out of the Darkness of a Deep Depression
  2. Spend time with friends and family
  3. Have a few adventures
  4. Because I had to... work was closed (for 1 week)
I am happy to reflect on this time off as being well spent (as am I, after it all!)...
  • Dec10 - Girls' 2 year birthday. Brought pizza and cupcakes to school and prepped the house for the party.
  • Dec11 - Successful 2nd Bday Bash for the Babies... Zip line action, kids wielding plastic clubs against a volleyball-pinata, Noah's Ark cake. Good time. HUGE attendance, too many gifts, spoiled babies. But with so much food, fun, friends, and family - we're just really grateful to be so loved.
  • Dec13 - Helped make the twins' two year check up with the doctor a (marginally) less difficult experience.
  • Dec15 - Participated in Mirabel's goal-planning meeting at WeCare.
    • Facilitated for MJ's first actual use of the toilet (miraculous milestone, as any parent will attest).
  • Dec18 - Join Nate Cox on a missing car investigation... aiding him in the exploration of a deep ditch off of a deserted road, in the rain. Nice little adventure :-)
  • Dec20+21 - got all my Christmas shopping done in 1 day, but went and scored $30 cash back by returning everything and applying coupons!
  • Dec24 - Hosted Christmas Eve with the Littleton Family.
  • Dec25 - Attended Brunch with the Littletons, saw Jack & Mimi.
    • Hosted Christmas with the Croses - Josh & Ivette made it over. Even Victor and Arica made it over for a surprise visit!
  • Dec26 - Sandy & KC visit, and bring a demonic singing dog.
  • Dec27 - Went to JumpSkyHigh and let the girls jump their silly little hearts out! Garrett Savage made a special appearance and hung out for the afternoon.
  • Dec28 - Got my filling fixed (yay).
    • Installed a pull-up bar that does double duty by supporting an indoor swing.
  • Dec29 - Visited the Walters crew and played some Halo game.
  • Dec30 - Took the girls to SuperFranks and burned them down over 3 hours and 3 different rooms!
    • In-N-Out pig-out. Yum! 2 Double-Doubles went down all too easily.
    • M.Allum came over, shared some stories, showed us some Adaptive Biblestudies, and proved to be quite a useful partner in New Super Mario Bros Wii.
  • Dec31 - Matt Sustaita graced us with a Visit and babysat for us to have a quick date!
    • Went to YogurtLand with my wifee to consume some pro-biotic goodness and read our Bibles and reconnect.
    • Popped "fireworks" popcorn as a family for the girls' entertainment :-)
    • Had AK+Cat, Jwong, and Garry "the Hulk" Hernandez over for some good grubbin', "Apples to Apples", Bomberman Blast, and ringing in the New Year! (and surprise: Jess participated in all of it!!!)
  • Jan1 - Played Munchkin using my newly expanded gargantuan deck with J.Struwe and M.Allum.
    • Watched "Twilight: Eclipse" with my wifee (the peaceful couch-time made up for the weak movie).
  • Jan2 - Visited my Grandma June for lunch along with my parents.
I also...
  • Went to at least 5 different parks with the kids to help burn off some toddler energy.
  • Witnessed (and captured) many precious moments with my girls: around 40 new vids and a ton of pics generated.
  • Finished the first Dexter book. Restarted The Shack.
  • Discovered and completed the Trigun anime series (loved it!)
Writing all this out really helps me to think back gratefully on this time. Thanks to all who intersected my life at any point and made this vacation a good one!

Ecclesiastes 5:19 (New International Version, ©2010)

19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.