The way I see it:
The cats that people like are infact appreciated for their dog-like qualities.
Is your cat affectionate? Does it respond to your call? Does it "know" when you are feeling off, and come comfort you? Is it playful? Adventurous? These traits, which are very common in canines, and relatively rare in felines, are what most people like about their cats.
Some will say that cats are less mess and require less maintenance. This is wholly untrue. An indoor cat will make a terrible stinky mess in their litter box, which requires regular cleaning. An outdoor cat will poop in childrens' sand boxes, and old ladies' flower gardens, and also contract numerous health issues resulting in high medical bills. Dogs go for walks, and if nothing else, get us lazy humans out for a little exercise. Dogs are good for your health! Unlike cats, they encourage interactive cardiovascular play... and honestly, who couldn't use a little more cardio every day? Sure some dogs are smelly, just as some cats are mangey... Dogs will protect you from intruders; cats will hide under beds. Even the most diminuitive of dogs, like the chihuahua will defend its master with its life.
And so I am forced to conclude: dogs are better than cats.
*Note, this is not to say that I don't like cats. In fact I do! I love my pet Monster. He is a domestic shorthair grey tabby. Hey is my dog substitute. We wrestle, play tag, hide and seek, etc. I have trained him to come when I whistle, and he always acknowledges his name when called. He is the best cat I have ever met.
All that being said, check out and enjoy my collection of cat/dog pics! Just click on either picture from this post.
-Captain Timbo!
Ha! I knew it would come to this! But you will never sway me, honey!! I think that you failed to mention that dogs also leave stinky messes around the house. And dogs can be annoying when you just wanna relax and they want to be walked. Oh, and dogs BARK, sometimes so loud its painful to hear. Hmm...dogs also are ALL stinky and I think that maybe some people are just used to their stench, especially thier bad breath and the slobber that they leave after "kissing" you. All I have to say is YUCK! and it will be a LONG time before I agree to owning a dog. Sorry, dear!!
You guys are TOO MUCH!! I love it. Yes, I completely agree with .....Both of you. You are both so right. Dogs are better, smarter, will defend you with their life, but they DO smell. And WHOAH boy, hopefully you're not getting a little "cardio" and it starts raining! Then you can smell the dog coming yards away and the heavy odor overwhelms any size room - like being suffocated in rising bread dough. (Not that I have personally been suffocated in that way or even had a near death experience while baking) but just that the smell of a wet dog is enough to meet your Maker. For that sole reason I will be swayed to Jess' side. Sorry Captain.
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