Sunday, October 03, 2010

Zip Line update

It was a great weekend for zip-line construction!

With the help of my friend Garry, and the guidance of my father-in-law, we were able to build the main support platform and "launch deck" and stairs. Next we just need to finish our second set of stairs and string up the line! Not far to go now...

To give you an idea of scale, when I stand on the top platform, on top of the fence, my fully extended arm reaches just below the top of that post... So it's a good height, and will be a pretty awesome slope!


Anonymous said...

LOVE that amazing garden surrounding the zip line area. Wow. Someone must've been working really hard to maintain that! Whew! Make sure you don't step on any more of the plants as you continue your construction!!

Shorinjiru said...

I love how the flowers are leaning towards the zip line, as if they too are eager to ride it!

Props to my gardener. I don't pay her enough.