Born an all cheese, just the day before, LCP was placed on a table next to his pepperoni flavored siblings and completely ignored. Nobody paid the all cheese any attention for the whole party. It just sat out sadly until everyone had come and gone.
The next day, LCP was brought to work and abandoned like the unwanted, toppingless oddity that it was... but that's were WE met. During a chance encounter in the lunch room, I decided to give LCP a shot. With just a little time in the toaster oven - LCP was hot again and good as new (maybe better even!).
Now I didn't have the heart/time/stomach to finish things in that one encounter, but I VOWED to help LCP fulfill its destiny (which could only be realized via my belly). So later that day I took this lonely unloved all cheese pizza home with me. LCP was grateful because it had once again spent a (mostly) lonely day sitting out on the table with little attention from anyone.
On our way home, half of LCP fell out of the box, was kicked by my shoe, and landed cheese-side up on the concrete. I immediately scooped up my beloved and abused pizza, and with shame for my neglect - I once again professed my unyielding interest in helping LCP make it to pizza heaven. Who am I, after all, to fail to show compassion to something that has already had such a hard life?!
So this morning I retoasted this two-day-old, drop-kicked to the concrete, boring all-cheese pizza and ATE IT WITH ALACRITY! And we both were satisfied.
***I tell this story because so often I witness or hear about people throwing away food, avoiding certain foods (like milk), complaining about this or that - and to those people I say - "do you have what it takes to survive in the end times!?" ... because if your stomach can't handle the good stuff now... you ain't gonna make it long when we're all living on rotten fruit and carrion. Good luck with that. I'm preparing in advance by conditioning my gut to survive offa almost anything. And I would counsel you to do the same >=Þ